Thursday, October 18, 2012

Remember to walk San Diego and rate our streets by 10/25!

We got the following reminder to rate the streets of San Diego, especially in Uptown, where people like to walk and bike!

Hello Walk Scorecard Volunteers!  
Our deadline is approaching.  Please forward this to your friends, neighbors, and colleagues.
Can you spare 30 minutes this weekend? WalkSanDiego is creating a walkability scorecard for every city in San Diego County. There are thousands of streets to be rated, and WE NEED YOUR HELP TO DO IT BY OCTOBER 25! But we have a very cool tool for you to use.
BestWALK is the only phone app of its kind! We developed it to help you rate how walkable your local streets are. The app is free, it works on iPhone and Android, it's available in Spanish or English, and it’s easy & fun to use. The ratings you provide will help us rank all cities in San Diego County. But we need the data by October 25 for this year's ratings.
We’re asking all our friends and supporters to download the app and rate at least 5 streets this weekend (10 if you're up for the challenge!). It will only take you five or six minutes per street. So give us 30 minutes this weekend and we'll rate your town. How will your city stack up against others? Stay tuned to find out!


Robert D. Felix |  Volunteer Outreach Coordinator |  WalkSanDiego |  740 13th Street, Suite 502  |  San Diego, CA 92101
Promoting Walkable Communities

Friday, October 12, 2012

Tours of Washington Street in Mission Hills

Scary intersection at Washington Street and India in Mission Hills. Let's plant some trees in the medians!  

We are going to start giving tours of the Washington Street canyon area.  This is to solicit feedback from the community on what features we would like for the SANDAG regional bike plan upgrade.

Last night at the Mission Hills Town Hall meeting, people were very enthusiastic about upgrading the road because as the gateway to Mission Hills, it will mean significant improvements for the canyon, especially safety and aesthetics!  Can you imagine if those medians were planted with beautiful native trees?

Gerrie Trussel from the BID told me the business owners would like to see more parking spaces.  And yes, more parking in the area is needed.  But of course the project is not about creating parking, it's about getting people out of their cars, and using foot and pedal power!  Naturally though, we want to accommodate everyone in our community, so we would like to try to squeeze in more room for those in their automobiles.

The tour schedule is listed in the link above, and I will add to it as needed, but the first one will be tomorrow, Saturday 10/13 at 10a.m. outside Gelato Vero.  It will last approximately 30-45 minutes and we'll cover all issues from crosswalks, to hillside plants, to yes - parking!