Thursday, November 14, 2013

Test track for Washington Street?

There's already a bike lane on Washington Street.  Unfortunately it's been taken over by parked cars from either employees of the many restaurants and bars in Five Points, or guests coming to the area for some of the greatest wining and dining experiences San Diego has to offer.

Now, there's a new bike track called The Flow from Copenhagenize that allows cities to test out bike lanes without committing to changing their infrastructure.

I found and article extolling it's virtues on Fast Company: Lego-Like Bike Lanes That Snap Into Place Could Create Instant Biking Cities.

Maybe we need a test track on Washington Street and the surrounding areas?


  1. Yes, people are allowed to bike on the steep section of Washington St. north of Five Points. As the posted signs show, they are also allowed to legally park there. Employees and customers wouldn’t park on Washington if they didn’t need to. Removing that parking without replacing it somewhere else would put people out of business.

  2. I'm not sure it would put people out of business, but yes, SANDAG has plans to mitigate the lost parking by re-striping the area. Also, studies show that businesses on bike corridors actually see a 10% lift in business. I posted the studies on this blog a little while ago. Further, I think these businesses will see an increase in pedestrian traffic if Washington street is calmed, and the sidewalk goes in as planned. Thanks for always taking the time to think about these things and comment, Sharon. It's much appreciated!
