Friday, September 7, 2012

Washington walkers wanted!

WalkSanDiego has developed a Regional Walk Scorecard and is looking for volunteers across the region to use their new smart phone app (called BestWalk) and input data on what it’s like to walk in our neighborhoods.

So to help, we are organizing volunteers to walk along Washington Street and other parts of the area to document walking conditions. Our efforts will contribute to a regional map of walk improvements that we can use to advocate for future funding across San Diego.  And of course, we'll use the scorecard to see how Washington Street fares.

We will spend 1-2 hours Friday, 10/5 documenting walking conditions.  We will meet on the corner of India and Washington Street at 4pm. And then maybe we'll have dessert at Brooklyn Girl because after that exercise we will have earned it!  

Please see the flyer, and if you are interested in Walking The Wash to document conditions as you find them, please let me know.  If you don’t have a smart phone, you can still download a scorecard from their site.  

Please note: if you want to download the app, you need to sign up on Walk San Diego's site as a volunteer, and then they will notify you when it's ready for download.

UPDATE 9:/24: We've got 4 volunteers so far!  Join us!